I will edit your audio podcast

Not only can I edit your show to enhance the sound to its fullest potential, but I also mix and master your podcast so you sound broadcast quality, advise and organize hosting, manage your RSS feed, and ensure your show is available on any podcast directory of your choosing. You are at the right place. In this gig, I will edit your Podcast and do any and not limited to the following: PODCAST EDITING. GIG COVERS Noise reduction Add your provided intro and outro Check volume levels Add background music of your choice Convert to any audio format Delete vocalized pauses such as hmm, ahh, etc Master word repetition Merge audio files Mixing Sentence correction Podcast intro/outro mixing & mastering Reduce silence Do vocal leveling ID3 Tags.

Instructions for buyers:

Check and accept

0.20000000 TON




Time - 7 days



Everything is great, we will continue to work)