Welcome to the unique tonfreelance.com freelance services of free oerders and sales of lots!
"tonfreelance.com" is a guarantee of a refund in case of an unscrupulous customer or contractor and a completely new resource for specialists in all fields, working around the world!
Freelance services store: Freelancers make their services out in the form of lots (goods) that can be bought on the tonfreelance.com exchange.
tonfreelance.com Exchange: You create a task and it becomes available to all freelancers who can send you offers.
It remains only to choose the best offer and start working. If you could not find a suitable lot in the store, then the freelance exchange is your choice.
"tonfreelance.com" will be of interest to everyone who wants to make money on their knowledge, as well as to those who want to buy a finished product without overpaying a lot of money with the ability to bargain.
The commission for the purchase of lots on the exchange is 5%.
Lot sellers are exempted from paying commissions!
The exchange has not forgotten about the most active users who can invite new partners and actively sell their lots with services and also recommend us to new customers!
Our clients receive a percentage and income from selling lots, favorable conditions for a unique affiliate program with lifetime payments.
All payments are made in TON, and you get a discount when using the #TONFR token!
If you have any questions about the project, please contact the section Support.
It contains some answers to frequently asked questions, but if there is no answer to your question, you can always contact us directly in the same section.
We will answer your question within 24 hours.