I will develop crypto sport website, blockchain game, crypto game website, sport bet

Have you been searching for qualify developer for CRYPTO SPORT WEBSITE, CRYPTO GAME WEBSITE, SPORT BETTING?. If yes?, then hire us and get your app ready to use.. I will develop the Crypto game and Sport Book Website, with coin payments and Crypto coins such as bnb, ETH, TRX, etc. The project that will be done by us will be considered one of the best online bookmakers with an attractive, modern and user friendly website/ App as well as a great number of different sports available for be tting THE FEATURES THAT WE WILL DEVELOP INCLUDES Sign Up/Login Choose the Sports/Player Watch Live Match Bet ting Guide Player Information Keep users updated about match schedules Choose Be tting Model Choose Bet ting Category Connect with other users Final Rank & Position Instant Payment System Multiple-Language Support Offline Support

Instructions for buyers:


2.25000000 TON




Time - 30 days