I will build perfect crypto wallet app, blockchain app, trust wallet app, bitcoin app

BUILD PERFECT CRYPTO WALLET APP. BLOCKCHAIN APP, TRUST WALLET APP AND BITCOIN APP About This Gig CREATE CUSTOM WALLET APP, CRYPTO WALLET APP TRUST WALLET APP BLOCKCHAIN APP A blockchain is a digital, public transaction record or digital ledger. People usually associate it with the cryptocurrency, but blockchain technology can also record digital transactions with other cryptocurrencies, data, or information. Here based on my gig, I will develop a fully function, and featured wallet app, crypto wallet app, trust wallet app, and blockchain app which i will develop to have every features and functionalities which is as follows FEATURES OF OUR APP Send and receive coin PIN Codes For Access To Coin Real-Tine Payment Tracking Managing Of Cryptocurrencies Ability To Display The Wallet Balance Sending And Receiving Payment Live trading Buy / Sell Crypto (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin) Order book Advanced trader chart candlesticks Technical indicators fully customizable Coins history data from 1 minute to 5 months Live data Live trending on chart Live market (sell/buy) with market balancing Calculator (Cryptocurrency) notifications smart contract AND LOT MORE Send Me a message

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2.00000000 TON




Time - 21 day